Notaries of Guardiagrele

Historical Notaries in the Area of Guardiagrele, Chieti

The following are the notaries for the area of Guardiagrele. Please note that notaries of an area drew up deeds also for people of other towns, that used to apply to him, and the notary himself could have worked also in other areas. This sometimes can make harder the study of notary deeds, because finding…

The Napoleonic, Restoration and Italian Civil Registration

The Napoleonic, Restoration and Italian Civil Registration

Napoleonic civil registration was introduced in Italy in 1806, after the fall of many regions to imperial France, and remained in place until 1815. The keeping of civil registration by the communities of that time has produced a series of records of births, marriages, and deaths, in duplicate, which, depending upon the time and place…


Interview with Tom Civitello from Huston, Texas searcing his Italian origins since 1993

After meeting him and exchanging some information about our common Civitella ancestors from Guardiagrele, Italy, I wanted to interview Thomas C. Civitello because I found very interesting and worthy of being shared the way how, by chance, he started to be interested in his family history and started a methodic research that led to good…