Montereale is a municipality located in the province of L'Aquila at 945 meters (3100 feet) of altitude. Montereale has 2812 inhabitants and a surface area of 104.41 square kilometers (40.31 square miles).

The municipality of Montereale also includes the following suburbs: Aringo, Busci, Cabbia, Casale Bottone, Castello, Castel Paganica, Castiglione, Cavagnano, Cavallari, Cesaproba, Cesariano, Colle, Colle Cavallari, Colle Calvo, Colle Paganica, Colle Verrico, Marana, Marignano, Madonna In Pantanis, Pellescritta, Piedicolle, San Giovanni Paganica, Santa Lucia, Santa Vittoria, San Vito, Verrico, Ville di Fano.

Montereale was part of the Kingdom of Naples before the unification of Italy (1861).

Municipal Hall Information
Comune di Montereale
Via Municipio, 12
67015 Montereale (AQ)
Phone: +39 0862 901217
E-mail: [email protected]

State Archives Information
Archivio di Stato di L'Aquila
Zona Industriale di Bazzano
Via Galileo Galilei, 2
67100 L'Aquila
E-mail: [email protected]

First 5 most common surnames in Montereale
Durastante, Feliciani, Sevi, Soccorsi, Cialfi

Parish churches in Montereale and municipality suburbs

S. EutizioMonterealeMaranaVia della Chiesa, 1Arcidiocesi di L'Aquila
S. Giovanni BattistaMonterealeCastiglionePiazza della Chiesa - CastiglioneArcidiocesi di L'Aquila
S. Giovanni PaganicaMonterealeSan Giovanni PaganicaVia della ParrocchiaArcidiocesi di L'Aquila
S. LorenzoMonterealeVille di FanoPiazza della ChiesaArcidiocesi di L'Aquila
S. LuciaMonterealeSanta LuciaSanta LuciaArcidiocesi di L'Aquila
S. Maria ad NivesMonterealeCesaprobaArcidiocesi di L'Aquila
S. Maria AssuntaMonterealePiazza della ChiesaArcidiocesi di L'Aquila
S. Maria AssuntaMonterealeCabbiaCabbiaArcidiocesi di L'Aquila
S. Maria AssuntaMonterealePaganicaPiazza della Concezione, 1Arcidiocesi di L'Aquila
S. Michele ArcangeloMonterealeVerricoVerricoArcidiocesi di L'Aquila
S. NicolaMonterealePellescrittaPellescrittaArcidiocesi di L'Aquila
S. VittoriaMonterealeSanta VittoriaArcidiocesi di L'Aquila
SS. SalvatoreMonterealeAringoVia PicenteArcidiocesi di L'Aquila
SS. SalvatoreMonterealeBusciBusciArcidiocesi di L'Aquila

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  1. Both of my parents were born in L’Aquila. I remember hearing names of places like Montereale and Castello and San Giovanni Paganica. I am having a hard time finding these places exactly and determining which place was the birthplace of my parents. I am not even sure if both parents were born in the same village. I am also not sure if my grandparents were born in the same village. The names in question are : paternal grandparents Emidio Trocchi and his wife Matilde Salvatore My other grandparents were Dosolina (Tusolina) Nanni and her husband Francesco Nanni (they had the same last name!!) Can anyone give me some information on this. I am anxious to visit their birth places if possible. Thanks in advance for any assistance you can offer me.

    1. Hi, emidio is my great great uncle. My father was born, and grew up, in his house. We are distant cousins. Email me if you’d like to learn more

  2. Hi I live in England but my family come from the neighbouring village colle de paganica my family name is Cialfi.

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