San Pietro Avellana is a municipality located in the province of Isernia at 960 meters (3150 feet) of altitude. San Pietro Avellana has 537 inhabitants and a surface area of 44.95 square kilometers (17.36 square miles).

The municipality of San Pietro Avellana also includes the following suburbs: Alvani, Cerri, Masserie di Cristo, Scalo Ferroviario.

San Pietro Avellana was part of the Kingdom of Naples before the unification of Italy (1861) and belonged to the former Molise province.

Municipal Hall Information
Comune di San Pietro Avellana
Via Roma, 2
86088 San Pietro Avellana (IS)
Phone: +39 0865 940131
E-mail: [email protected]

State Archives Information
Archivio di Stato di Isernia
Corso Risorgimento (Palazzo INPDAP)
86170 Isernia
E-mail: [email protected]

First 5 most common surnames in San Pietro Avellana
Colaianni, Frazzini, Carlini, Colaizzi, Musilli

Parish churches in San Pietro Avellana and municipality suburbs

Santi Apostoli Pietro e PaoloSan Pietro AvellanaLargo della ChiesaDiocesi di Trivento

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  1. My grandfather, Arthur Colaianni, and his two brothers (Earl and Anselmo) immigrated to the United States before World War II. Their sister Vincenza Colaianni stayed in San Pietro and married Beradino Settefrati. I am an author of 16 books ( and currently I am researching the history of SPA during WWII. I am in the process of writing a historical fiction story involving true events in the area of San Pietro Avellana and central Italy. Though the story and characters are for the most part fictional, they are based on true events. Could you help me with answers to a few questions?

    1. My cousin, Frank Frazzini, remembers when the Germans mined, and booby trapped the town which they destroyed except for two houses and the Church. Is that accurate? He was in primary school at the time. Where was the town school located?
    2. Where is the train station located?
    3. My cousin, William Colaianni helped to show the USA troops where the mines where when they arrived to drive out the German troops. Where did they plant these mines around the town? This would be 1943 after the Armistice was signed by the King Vittorio Emanuele III with the Allies. Also, when did the Germans arrive in the town and leave it?

    Molte Grazie.
    Arthur Colaianni
    [email protected]

  2. Good morning, I would love to learn more about the area and of you and your family. My grandfather and his family are from there. My grandfather is Adolph Frazzini. His father was Amico Fortunato Frazzini and mother Ersillia Gatti-Frazzini (not sure I spelled her first name correctly). I know we have family over there still and I have plans to visit one day.

  3. My maternal great grandfather Carlo Antonio Frazzini immigrated to the America around the late eighteen hundreds or early nineteen hundreds. He landed in the Seattle area. He was born in San Pietro Avellana.

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