Tocco da Casauria is a municipality located in the province of Pescara at 356 meters (1168 feet) of altitude. Tocco da Casauria has 2721 inhabitants and a surface area of 29.67 square kilometers (11.46 square miles).

The municipality of Tocco da Casauria also includes the following suburbs: Francoli, Marano, Pareti, Rovetone.

Tocco da Casauria was part of the Kingdom of Naples before the unification of Italy (1861) and belonged to the former Abruzzo Citra province.

Municipal Hall Information
Comune di Tocco da Casauria
Via Municipio, 14
65028 Tocco da Casauria (PE)
Phone: +39 085880533
E-mail: [email protected]

State Archives Information
Archivio di Stato di Pescara
Via Cesare De Titta, 1
65129 Pescara
E-mail: [email protected]

First 5 most common surnames in Tocco da Casauria
Terzini, Sticca, Salce, Santilli, Di Giulio

Parish churches in Tocco da Casauria and municipality suburbs

S. Eustachio MartireTocco da CasauriaTocco CasauriaPiazza S. EustachioArcidiocesi di Chieti - Vasto

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  1. Is it possible to find a record of my Great Grandfather Ludovico Galante having lived in your town from perhaps 1840 to 1880? Ludovico’ son, “Tony” was from Pratola Peligna in the 1880’s. I have no history concerning Ludovico. Thanks.

  2. We are trying to find information about our Great Grandparents: Giuseppina DiBenetto and Nicola Iaccione they lived in Tocco da Casauria, in Abbruzzo

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